Tinted Sunscreen My End of Summer Blues

Well ladies I guess its officially the end of summer! Originally from Pennsylvania I can honestly say that it is always Summer in Cali!

Back east people are closing their pools,putting away their shorts and swimsuits and joining tanning salons. Yes I said tanning salons! which as a Medical Esthetician working in a Dr. office I highly recommend that you never go!

There are so many self tanners and spray tans out there girls and guys! save your skin. I only wish that someone would have given me that advice in my teens! Most skin damage occurs by the age of 13!I was in my 20’s when the tanning salons came out , we thought it was the safest thing, can you believe that! Sadly to say that is one of the reasons I have a job,moving on and getting to my point I would like to let you in on another great product that I will not be retiring for the winter winter months.I will use it all year round!

It is a tinted sunscreen.I am a “Foundation Girl”at heart , who’s not if they grew up on the East coast so it was very hard to transition from full coverage foundation to a tinted sunscreen.

After years of trying every brand under the sun (no punt intended!) I finally found my true love!

Intellishade by Revision skincare ,ladies it’s like none before. It actually adjusts to your own skin color.It has an SPF45 and delivers anti-aging benefits.It not only brightens your complexion but really gives you the look of foundation with a nice healthy glow.It comes in two formulas Original and Matte and is good for all skin types.Im in love!